You are in business to make money. Having an uninsured business loss can be devastating to your firm. As a business owner or manager, you want to feel confident that your business insurance coverage will protect what you’ve worked hard to build. With many years of experience working with businesses of all types and sizes, we have the local resources and expertise to make sure that you have the right insurance coverage.
Here are a few kinds of business insurance products you might consider.
Cyber Liability -- Cyber liability is the risk posed by conducting business over the Internet, over other networks, or using electronic storage technology. It covers third party losses from hackers, theft, and loss of information including sensitive client or individual personal information.
Product Liability Insurance -- Companies that manufacture, wholesale, distribute, and retail a product may be liable for its safety. Product liability insurance protects against financial loss as a result of a defective product that causes injury or bodily harm.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance -- Workers’ comp insurance (as this coverage is generally called) pays for medical care and replaces a portion of lost wages for an employee who is injured in the course of employment, regardless of who was at fault for the injury.
Employment Liability -- Employment Liability provides protection for an employer against claims made by employees, former employees, or potential employees. It can cover discrimination (age, sex, race, disability, etc.), wrongful termination of employment, sexual harassment, and other employment-related allegations.
Professional Liability -- Insurance that is designed to cover third party claims, damages, and claims arising out of providing professional advice. Many firms create legal obligations arising out of a professional's errors, negligent acts, or omissions during the course of providing services to clients.
With over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry Leon Shum the agency owner is ready to help you find the right coverage for your home or business.
Bridgeway Insurance Services offer a network of carefully selected insurance companies which includes some of the largest national carriers in the industry.
Bridgeway Insurance Services is passionate about providing customized insurance solutions to our clients. Nothing we do is “standard”. We understand each client is unique and deserves solutions that meet their needs.